Sunday, March 04, 2007

Next Stop: Bill & Lauri Walton's Estate.

Harm wanted to compare the party area to Luke's (and the kids wanted to visit their favorite play land again) so we popped over to uncle Bill's home. The children immediately ran to this larger-than-life tepee (with a fully furnished guest room inside) then splayed out on the huge hammocks lining the tennis court.

The estate is perched on a mesa above the San Diego Zoo; at times, one can hear the lions roar from below.

The tennis court appeared to have ample space to accommodate the guest list. This location will be an option.

A similar-to-Luke's mini-mountain enticed the kids to climb up and enjoy the view. (They share the same landscape architect.)

The pool here is has a fully mature landscape, which makes for lush eye-candy.
Allie stuck her feet right in while Annie the Rottweiller just kicked back and enjoyed the show. Nice dog.

Ben was checking out one of the many waterfall features (there is a private rock-formation/jacuzzi to the left and back of this spot. Just amazing, just beautiful.

It was too bad we didn't get to visit with Lauri this time around; Lauri is always so welcoming to my family and me. I really enjoy spending time with her (and the kids are just in awe of big Bill.)

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